
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring is Here! Easter Eggs & Dinner

Spring is Here!
Easter Eggs:
This one was named Bob

The chicks hatched over the easter weekend. It was amazing to watch the kids get so excited to watch the process from the time they "pipped"(once the chick picks it's first little hole) to the full hatch and fluff up. They pip around in a circle on the inside of the egg through the membrane then a little hole through the shell and pop, literally some of them popped right through while we were watching! My 2 year old daughter was jumping and clapping her hands. 9 chicks hatched and each grandkid was able to name one and see it grow from the time we started the incubator to the cuteness in the picture below:)

Farm Facts:
While the kids were in music class I was talking to the owner about our farm. I love our conversations and he is a valued customer of ours too! He had a question about chickens and said he thought it might sound dumb and apologized for his ignorance (which I think is hilarious because I have had this question before and when I corrected them the person said I didnt know what i was talking about..)

He thought that in order to have a chicken lay eggs you needed a rooster. You do not need a rooster to have a chicken lay eggs, you only need a rooster if you want fertilized eggs. Just like in Humans! When I put it that way almost always I get an "aha!" Again, I've had this one come up many times in my life!

NO farm question is dumb, lemme tell ya!

For Easter dinner we had 35 people for a sit down dinner.
This is the Buffet
All gluten free except the yorkshire pudding top left.
The only items I did not eat were the mash potatoes, processed meat and pepper salad due to the fact that they are inflammatory foods.

This is my plate

Clockwise starting at top:
Home made Ceasar Salad (no croutons), Broccolli/Cauliflower salad, Brown Sugar Sweet Potatoes, Peas, Brussel Sprouts, Carrots, Our own Pork, Beef with gravy and horseradish, Garlic Shrimp
Yes, ALL Gluten Free and anti-inflammatory!

I stuck to the 80-20 rule when it came to the meat, I eat very little because of the saturated fats and inflammatory properties but only eat our own home raised or organic practice/free range meats.  

Food Facts:
Broccoli, Romaine Lettuce, Green Peas are anti-inflammatory
Cauliflower is anti-inflammatory and high in vit K
Carrots, Sweet Potatoes are anti-inflammatory and high in Beta Carotene and Vit A
Brussel Sprouts are anti-inflammatory and HIGH in Vit K, C Omega 3
Shrimp are anti-inflammatory and high in Vit D and Omega 3
Organic practice free range meat has more Omega 3 and less Saturated fats then feed lot and grain fed meats.
(Great site for anti-inflammatory foods to avoid http://theconsciouslife.com/top-10-inflammatory-foods-to-avoid.htm)

We had a discussion at dinner that I just can't share with you all online this week, along the lines of how a man surgically becomes a woman, and yes, it was my 67 year old father that went into detail about the medical procedure of the whole process while we were chewing on our meat...you'll just have to come for dinner for the details!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the whole concept behind your blog, Nathalie. And the things I learned this early Thursday morning. I would have learned more if I had been at the dinner table.
