
Friday, January 25, 2013

Bathroom Hot Boxed, Smoothies and Bee Pollen

So I was hot boxed while having a shower today by my 67 year old dad... We share one bathroom in our house where we have anywhere from 9 -18 people using it on any given day. This bathroom has a toilet, two sinks and a shower with one way mirror doors, the toilet is hidden in a coved area so having a shower and someone using the loo is not really an issue, unless while your having a HOT shower they decide to use the loo for number 2 and leave it... This is how the conversation went. My dad walks in and says " I have to Poo" .... "Uh, It won't flush...I'm leavin it".
I was a little dizzy coming out of my shower, haven't felt like that since I was a teen!!;)

There has been a lot of talk on smoothies for the past few years. I have been using this same gluten free anti inflammatory recipe for years now and just love it, so do my kids, so thought I would share.

-frozen berry blend (blueberries, strawberries, blackberries) organic preferred
-banana (or mango or pear)
-protein powder (I use sun warrior chocolate, it vegan, and gluten free)
-hemp hearts
-chia seeds ground
-turmeric (helps with inflammation)
-greens powder
-probiotics (I use Usana Health Sciences brand)
-bee pollen (an amazing remedy for allergies, (http://www.envirobee.com/beepollen.htm)
-omega oil (I use optomega from Usana Health Sciences)
-ground flax
-pure juice (I use knudsen cranberry, pomegranate, blueberry)

My one sister said one time as she saw me drinking it on the go in a clear glass, um, that looks like poo ya know. I can only imagine what drivers think I'm drinking at stop lights!

Almost by whole life I suffered from allergies, asthma and eczema. Had stomach problem especially with milk products etc etc..

I will go into more detail about this on my next blog but for this blog I wanted to share with those of you who would benefit from the use of Bee Pollen. I use Dutchmans Gold, they are local which is extremely important when choosing a supplier.

Fighting Disease:

By increasing the body's healing power, the body can help build resistance to disease. It has been successfully used with allergies, asthma, chronic rheumatism, colitis, arteriosclerosis, insomnia, depression, failing memory, hay fever, to normalize intestinal activity, to lower cholesterol levels and stimulate appetite, lower high blood pressure, offset the effects of drugs and pollutants, anaemic conditions and attention deficit. It is especially useful in times of pregnancy, lactation and intensive physical or mental work. It maintains the high levels of energy required to keep up with hectic schedules, deadlines or long hours. Pollen brings back vitality without the dangers of artificial stimulants like caffeine, ephedra or quarana and can be taken safely at any time. It is a natural product, admirably tolerated, and compatible with other therapies. Bee pollen is a powerful food supplement for children, growing teens, and adults of all ages. Bee pollen is the only natural food that contains almost all of the 22 elements of which the human body is composed. Today, more than ten thousand tons of bee pollen is consumed as food or medicine all over the world every year! Everyone can benefit from taking Bee pollen!

Check out this amazing site for more information on Bee Pollen (http://www.envirobee.com/beepollen.htm)

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