Egg Head, Kids Smoothies, and My Dad's Take On The "Family Change room"
I guess it is possible to scare the Egg out of a chicken! I first hand had the pleasure of experiencing this as I walked into the ladies coop and apparently scared them so much one pooped out an egg and it landed on my head and rolled off to the floor. I have never had this happen before and probably never will, I hope...
I love smoothies for my kids. I love that I can ensure that the first meal of the day is full of protein, greens, fruits, fibre, omega oil and probiotics makes me feel like a good mum!
Protein first thing in the morning shows better clarity and focus and is important for growing children. Omega oils are needed for the body to work properly, they are important for cognitive development, respiratory, circulatory, brain, organs, skin etc etc.. and probiotics helps stabilize the normal flora of the intestinal tract and stimulate resistance to harmful pathogens, they also treat a number of digestive illnesses.
So we did a little taste test with the kids today. It was a big Smoothie recipes day in the kitchen. With awesome surprising EASY recipes that I can totally do everyday:
Theo enjoying "The Chocolatey Icey Theo"
CHOCOLATE ICEY THEO: (my son named it)
-5 Ice Cubes
-2 Scoops Chocolate Whey Nutrimeal Shake (Usana)
-1 Tbsp Hemp Hearts (great source of good protein)
-1 Scoop Greens Powder
-1 Tbsp Omega Oil (I use Usana OptOmega)
-1 Tsp Fibre powder (I use Usana Fibergy)
-Probiotic (I use Usana)
My son who does not like bananas LOVES this one.
-5 Ice Cubes
-1 Banana
-1 Scoop Strawberry Nutrimeal Shake (Usana)
-1 Tbsp Hemp Hearts (great source of good protein)
-1 Scoop Greens Powder
-1 Tbsp Omega Oil (I use Usana OptOmega)
-1 Tsp Fibre powder (I use Usana Fibergy)
-Probiotic (I use Usana)
STRAWBERRY BERRYGOOD: (my 3 year old daughter named...)
-5 Ice Cubes
-1 Cup Mixed Frozen Berries
-1 Scoop Strawberry Nutrimeal Shake (Usana)
-1 Tbsp Hemp Hearts (great source of good protein)
-1 Scoop Greens Powder
-1 Tbsp Omega Oil (I use Usana OptOmega)
-1 Tsp Fibre powder (I use Usana Fibergy)
-Probiotic (I use Usana)
My Dad's "Family Changeroom" Philosophy
My husband and I decided to take the kids to the local swimming pool for a Saturday swim, my sisters 2 kids joined us a well as my 68 year old father to "help"... If you knew my dad his version of help it's more like bringing another child who is adult size, opinionated and doesn't have to listen to you.
We arrive at the pool and enter the "Family Changeroom" and start getting the very excited 5 kids under the age of 9 ready and in the stalls to change. I noticed my father started getting ready right in the middle of the Family Changeroom. Here's how the convo went:
Me:" dad, this is the "family Changeroom" that means an adult woman can walk in now and see you, it's the rules to use the change rooms provided only."
Dad: ""Family change room"... Well, the "families" can see me undress then"! As he takes off his pants and underwear...